Charity Hoodies

Gifting printed hoodies to charities in the UK


About The Project

Each year, during the school summer holidays, we take some time out to work with and support UK charities. We print free hoodies and t-shirts for their volunteers, which are ideal for use at fundraising and promotional events.

All 500 hoodies have now been allocated

How it works

What We Offer

We designate 5% of the amount of leavers hoodies that we sell each year to gift back. We typically print a batch of 12 hoodies or 20 t-shirts per charity until we reach our threshold.


If you’re a UK registered charity, then you’re eligible for selection and we’d love to work with you.


We only have the school summer holidays to process and print the hoodies for this inititive, so our deadline for applications is the 1st of September 2024.

All 500 hoodies have now been allocated

Thank you so much for your interest in this initiative, we’ve been truly overwhelmed by the positive response! We plan to repeat this again next August so keep an eye out.